Saturday, June 30, 2007
No Respect At The Dollar Store
"What a crowd, what a crowd... I tell ya, I don't get any respect, I go into a dollar store and they charge me $1.25!"
Friday, June 29, 2007
Trader Mike Reviews, a Cross Between NetVibes and Yahoo Finance…
Today's Options Report Was a Shorty
I will do some regular blogging here later this weekend. There's lots to say about the mortgage paper situation out there.... and none of it very good.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
As Mentioned, I've Been Busy With A Few Other Projects...
This means, that until further notice, I am restricted from trading. I will, however, continue to post.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Options Screener

A Victory For The Bulls??
With the VIX close at the high of the day at 18.89 (back to the Feb mini crash levels) and the market sliding well off the highs again, it's only a matter of time before the market takes a real spanking. Put to call ratios look shabby, breadth has continued to deteriorate and the action in general of a strong open and weak close is bearish. A good chunk of the early bull rally, or bull victories were built on either morning dumps followed by afternoon runups, or strong opens followed by even stronger finishes. There's little to celebrate in two successive failures to cut Friday's losses in half. Someone needs to prime the discount window even more and pump more cash in... copy NY Fed??
Credit woes and subprime meltdown will continue to be themes that dominate trading this week. Don't believe subprime is getting worse and spreading? Bill Gross is an excellent read: Looking for Contagion in All the Wrong Places.
Fed policy makers start a two day meeting late Wednesday afternoon. The all important rate announcement will come on Thursday at 2:15. Stand pat and talk about risks is the likely outcome on Thursday. By fall it's also likely that Gentle Ben will look back longingly at his period of keeping Fed Funds unchanged. Surely the day will come when housing meltdown and inflation troubles will have to be dealt with directly by way of one of those 2:15 pm announcements where real action and tough pills to swallow will be doled out.
Stronger than expected earnings out of Oracle (ORCL) and Nike (NKE) are good for a quarter point gain out of S&P futures.
A VIX at just about 19... no surprise if you've been reading here. I remain of the opinion that the mean long, long term averages of the VIX are quite a bit higher than even today's level (simple method is to look at monthly moving averages). Yes, VIX is getting overbought short term and I don't rule out a spurt for the market and drop in VIX if corporate America can put together another good earnings period, but the writing has been on the wall. The pricing in of risk has only just begun as the subprime woes have only just begun and things with Iran and the Middle East start to get more interesting by the day.
Quick Morning Market Comment
1492 is not only the number associated with Chris Columbus, but it was key support yesterday - deja vu all over again from earlier in the month. While stock futures are a tad higher and VIX futures are at a decent discount to cash, the negatives on the subprime front are still looming. Easing crude oil can also be a positive, though we saw yesterday what can happen when the market gets even a whiff of rumors about refinery problems.
In Asia, stocks were weaker and I continue to keep a wary eye on Shanghai. Japanese yen also strengthened a bit: Yen Rebounds, Asian Stocks Ease.
While I'm not saying I think Bear (BSC) will get down to these levels, or to buy far out of the money puts, I'm intrigued that 120, 115 and 100 strikes on Bear Stearns calls and puts are now available for trading.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The Week Ahead
Investors will continue to watch for developments on the Bear Stearns front. I suspect that lots of work has been going on over the weekend to try to sweep this under the rug. If all goes according to plan the talking point for the week should be, "CDO problem? What CDO problem?? There was a CDO problem??? LOL, don't be silly..." and all should be well with the market resuming at upward trajectory. Or will it? If enough folks were paying attention last week to the reality that a whole lot of that tainted paper is only worth 10-cents on the dollar, then the curtailed Merrill sale of Bear collateral could be just enough to turn the tide away from 'buy first and ask questions later'.
The weekly S&P chart, at least from my half blind perspective (left eyesight a goner because of retinopathy), has the lower high, lower low look complete with the bearish engulfments that we saw last summer as the market struggled with a rising bond yield problem. In many respects it is amazing to realize just how far the stock market has come in a year, how risky credit derivatives have also become and yet the stock market has had this uncanny ability to hold above S&P 1500 and not get caught in the whirlwind of selling that occurred last summer under far less harsher conditions.

Box Office Battle
How out of touch am I with tv and movies in general? I didn't even know who Steve Carell was until this weekend. I took my children to see "Evan" yesterday and I find it hard to believe they spent so much to make what was amusing, but nothing special kind of flick. I'm a big Morgan Freeman fan and he did a fine job in the film. I'm looking forward to his portrayal of Nelson Mandela: Morgan Freeman to play Nelson Mandela in new movie.
Blackstone (BX) Overvalued?

"By almost any financial yardstick, Blackstone looks richly valued relative to other asset managers, especially at a time when rising interest rates and burgeoning competition threaten to make the buyout business tougher. Indeed, the IPO could prove a high-water mark for the private-equity business." Read more here.
BX's first day (minute chart):

Options Screener

Saturday, June 23, 2007
ABX and Its BROAD Implications Explained
"On the accusation that we are merely ‘talking our book’: we are not short any of the ABX indices or, for that matter, do we travel in these circles from a trading standpoint at all. We are simply trying to understand the credit marketThe quote above from John Succo and Scott Reamer in the Minyan Mailbag. It's a great read and sheds some understanding into why the stock market was spooked Friday by the on going difficulties at Bear Stears and its collapsing hedge funds.
dynamics of these instruments because we have believed for the past two years
that the credit bust we see coming will originate from these murky waters. The
troubles that the Bear Stearns hedge fund has had over the last two weeks speaks
directly to this risk. The ‘’fat tail’’ potential in this area, given the amount
of leverage utilized in this sector, is enormous. Who’s to say if the trade is
crowded or not? Since crowded can’t be quantified, we prefer to stay away from
conjecture and merely focus on the facts. We find that the very entities exposed
to losses in credit derivatives are buying more assets to "prop" up prices is
extremely disturbing."
Next week could be a very bad week for the stock market unless things simmer down on the mortgage derivatives front. Below is the 2006 ABX bbb-, 2007s look the same as well.
The broader issue remains the cat getting out of the bag about CDOs and how they are grossly mispriced. Attempts by Bear creditors to sell some of the "assets" was met with offers of 10-cents on the dollar. Scary stuff.
From Wikipedia:
"According to the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, aggregate global CDO issuance totalled USD 157 billion in 2004, USD 249 billion in 2005, and USD 489 billion in 2006."
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Bear Stearns (BSC)
While I've made negative posts on Bear, Blackstone and housing, this doesn't necessarily mean I think the stock market is going to crumple tomorrow. The bulls are still intent on pushing stocks higher. Just the mere word that Merrill decided to stop liquidating the assets it seized from Bear, was enough to stop the bleeding today and further empower techs. As the old saying goes, "never short a dull market".
Blackstone and KKR
And don't look now, but... Reports: Private equity firm KKR is planning an IPO.
Supply vs. Demand
Continental (CAL) Apologizes
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The Yield Minkey
DOE Inventories
Crude inventories rose by 6.9 mln vs. consensus estimate of down 50K. Gasoline inventories rose by 1.79 mln vs. consensus estimate for a gain of 1.19 mln. Distillates nudged higher by 157,000 vs. consensus estimate of 870,000.
The numbers have pushed crude lower, which in turn has led to a small bounce in the stock market.
Morning Market Comment
The economic calendar is quite today, aside from the release of the weekly MBA data showing a slide in activity: Ahead of the Bell: Mortgage Applications.
Some of the positive factors for the stock market include Morgan Stanley: Morgan Stanley's Net Jumps 40%.
Some expected a blow up out of Fedex (FDX), and they did lower guidance, but the company still managed post results that avoided a crash and burn scenario: FedEx Profit Falls Short as Economy Slows. FDX actually a little less than $1 in pre market.
MGM is sliding by better than 9%: Kerkorian's Tracinda Ends MGM Talks. The question now, what else might Kerkorian target?
Bristol-Meyers (BMY) is 20-cents higher after Citi reiterated a buy on BMY saying that following the Plavix court victory the company could be a more attractive takeover target. SNY, GSK and PFE could be potential acquirers. However, Leerink Swann, maintains a market perform saying any price on BMY above $30 is hard to justify. Leerink says BMY is relying too much on Plavix has had recently lackluster drug launches and a lack of pipeline surprises.
Medtronic (MDT) could be active today. It is holding an analysts day.
The pencils are sharpened today against Anheuser Busch. AG Edwards downgraded on valuation. Bernstein thinks a merger is already priced into the stock and maintains a $53 target.
Crude down 28-cents at 68.82. The 10 year treasury is down 6/32nds, yield at 5.116%.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Bear Stearns (BSC) and Merrill (MER)
WSJ:Merrill to Dump Bear Fund's Assets.
Thus far, this Bear fund meltdown has been orderly, but as it gets closer to being a complete shutdown it will be interesting to see if there's any market angst. BSC is down about 2% tonight.
It seemed like a good idea.. benefit from a drop in subprime bbb- as tracked by ABX. But the chart below is a road map that shows a few key problems for a short play vs ABX. The late February swoon that corresponded with the tumble in the stock market led to a full opening of the liquidity spigot whether by way of the Fed's Discount Window, or even via Term Investment Options, or TIOs from the Treasury. Then in mid-April a coordinated bailout effort was announced to pump billions more into the system by way of entities like Freddie to shore up subprime areas of damage. That's what really had to have damned the Bear fund to crippled status as the ABX surged above 75. Sudden liquidity can ruin your fund.

Darden (DRI)
I have noticed lately that it is very easy to drop $90, or more at a casual dining chain these days to feed me. my wife and three young children. Even at the non chain casual restaurants, food is expensive. My wife and I had lunch today at a great local restaurant and spent over $50. IF I really wanted to cut corners, I could go to the supermarket and spend $80 for at least a few nights worth of home cooked dinners.
After looking at Darden's numbers tonight, I get the feeling that folks are cutting back. How else to account for 4th quarter revenue of $1.46 bln vs estimates of $1.54 bln? Wow, close to a $100 mln shortfall vs estimates. That's a lot of Lobster dinners that went unserved. 4th quarter earnings amounted to 67c vs estimates of 71c. This is a big miss and DRI is down 5% after hours.
Late Day Notes
GAP (GPS) options very activity on speculation the company will make a major announcement this evening.
I was seriously considering a purchase of puts on Circuit City (CC) following Best Buy's (BBY) lousy results, but have opted to stay on the sidelines there. I'm waiting to see if CC announces anything on the whether they will sell their Intertan unit.
Tamiflu (GILD) (ROG.VX)
The problem is seen as serious enough in Japan that new clinical trials will be started: Roche, Chugai to conduct new trials for Tamiflu.
As the Big Dog has pointed out, Gilead (GILD) is a touch weaker today. GILD has licensed Tamiflu to Roche in exchange for royalty payments. Something to keep any eye on.
Bristol Meyers (BMY) - Fade the Spike?
Bristol-Myers Squibb: US FDA Accepts Ixabepilone Application
Bristol-Myers Wins Plavix Ruling
Interesting, though, that Cowen recommended selling into strength, according to an entry on BMY briefly poked above $32, but is now trading around $31.55.
Morning Market Comment
10 year treasury up a few ticks, yiled at 5.119%. This is probably the most distressing news of the morning: China Daily: China sells more US T-bonds.
Stock futures are in a bit of a funk this morning in reaction to weak earnings.
Electronics retailing giant Best Buy (BBY) posted earnings: Best Buy quarterly profit falls, and it wasn't a Don Adams, "missed it by that much..." BBY missed estimates by 11c. So much for the analyst at Jeffries who yesterday said that expectations have come down enough that there could be a positive share reaction after earnings - same for Pacific Crest which said worst case was factored in. BBY is down 4%.
Circuit City will post earnings earnings on Wednesday. Kaufman says the below consensus idea for CC could be "conservative" and that we could see a miss on the order of 16c a share in CC's earnings.
Carnival (CCL) is down about 2%. Earnings beat by a penny at 48c/shr, but lowered full year guidance to EPS of $2.85-$2.95 vs. consensus of $3.00.
A latebreaker of deal: Home Depot in $10 bln deal to sell unit--sources
Yahoo! (YHOO) was up over $2 after hours last night on word of the Semel ouster from his post as CEO. With Jerry Yang, co-founder, now in the direct driver seat some analysts are thinking that there's less of a chance of a merger. An analyst Nollenberger thinks had there been a chance of a deal with a company like Newscorp (NWS), Microsoft (MSFT), or Time Warner (TWX) Semel would have stayed on. Goldman Sachs also says near term sale of the company is not likely. Jeffries the odd man out saying Yang ceo-ship means higher chance of deal.
Is Burkle about to surprise us? Dark horse in the Dow Jones fight. Burkle said to be trying to get Yahoo! to help him bid for Dow Jones (DJ).
Over the weekend, there was speculation BHP would make a bid for Alcoa (AA). Now the speculation has shifted back to Alcan (AL) which is presently a target of AA: BHP Billiton to explore bid for Alcan.
Is Blackston the Last Hope for the Bear Stearns Subprime Fund?
LodgeNet (LNET) Guides FY Revs Above Wall Street View.
Crude down 16-cents.
Monday, June 18, 2007
24/7 Wall Street and the dk Report
dk recently highlighted The Kingsland Report as one of the "Top 30 Financial Blogs":
And 24/7 Wall Street put this blog on their "Twenty-Five Best Financial Blogs" list: Wow.
It's nice to know from deep in the trenches that this blog is making a positive impression!
I should also note that both lists are a great resource for finding a plethora a great blog. I need to update my links section.
Anheuser-Busch - No Tear In My Beer (BUD)

Yahoo! (YHOO) Has a New CEO
Semel is being put into the role of non-exec chairman. Congrats to the droves of shareholders who voted against the Semel led slate last week. Susan Decker, exec VP named as company president. As expected, YHOO trading up a little more than $2 on the news.
What I find funny is that CNBC's Faber earlier downplayed the rumors that Semel was on his way out. Score one, AGAIN, for the web world where the Jack Myers newsletter hit it on the head this morning with the early word that Semel would be toast. Faber, to be fair, has had a number of scoops, if not real coups and everyone gets it wrong sometimes. This one again goes in the catagory of "You're Only As Good As Your Information", and nowadays that means going far beyond cable tv to get your information.
EDIT: earlier I asked the rhetorical question of who the next, real CEO of Yahoo! might be... apparently Mr. Yang says he is in it for the long haul. I don't know, but ok, for now. Read: My New Job. I even went so far as to throw my two cents in on how the Yahoo! Finance site should be made better. They surely can't do what they've been doing. Enabling the user of the site to come up with his own ideas through unique sources of content (like blogs) and to offer an array of tools (which is why I've been developing my options screener) is the wave of the future. Honestly, how often is it that you make money from something traditional like the Wall Street Journal, AP, or Yahoo Finance? I can think of one instance this year, the buyout of Sallie Mae which was telepgraphed the day before in the Journal -- perhaps there were a few other times as well, but traditional, commoditized media is giving you old news. Regular readers here have gotten the early heads up on a number of situations and surely if I can do it, Yahoo! ought to be able to enable their users to get a leg up as well. Yahoo's message boards, overrun by spam, sure are not the answer to getting useful insights and ideas, nor is their regurgitation of AP.
AL (Alcan)
A $69 Handle on Crude ($WTIC)
Washington Mutual (WM)
Schork Report Media Alerts
BLOOMBERG TELEVISION... TODAY at 4:10pmEST: Stephen will also be interviewed by Lori Rothman and Mike McKee on Final Word.
Strangely amusing that I have worked with each those anchors in the past with each being quite talented.
Bear (BSC) and Merrill (MER)
Yahoo! (YHOO) Is Semel About To Resign?
Wendy's (WEN)
Cadence (CDNS)
Edit: Bought at 1.65.. sold at .65. Ouch!
The Week Ahead
Will a traditional merger Monday return? Things have been pretty dead of late on the merger front on Mondays and it will be interesting to see if the deals return or if the recent surge in bond yields has helped to dry up some sources of capital for the LBO whizzes - not to mention the Washington effort to levy a chunk of new taxes on firms like Blackstone (BX).
Here's one small deal that's taking place: Lexicon Pharma in financing agreement with Invus (LXRX) is the ticker and will be a big mover on Monday.
As I've blogged recently, I have had my doubts about whether a Murdoch (NWS) takeover of Dow Jones should be seen as a forgone conclusion. Now, it appears that Roop may have some real competition. Pearson, GE in talks about joint bid for Dow Jones: report. Sources for the stories that have popped up this weekend about a GE/PSO bid are quick to point out that the talks could collapse, but if the two parties were to bid and enable the Bancroft family to retain a piece of the action, I would imagine that no amount of money Murdoch could offer would be good enough to get him a deal. With the Bancroft's as part of a potential GE/PSO privatization of the Journal, I'm inclined to believe that there may be little chance of much premium to Murdoch's $60 a share offer. Why should GE/PSO pay more if a Bancroft 'final-say' blessing would clinch an anti-Murdoch deal?
Nymex (NMX) is another potential deal in waiting: NYMEX in talks with three suitors, sources say.
The economic calendar is fairly quiet in the week ahead. Housing starts are scheduled for release on Tuesday. An annual pace of 1.47 mln is expected for May which would be down from the April figure of 1.528 mln. But really the key number to watch is Building Permits, which tumbled more than 8% in April. The usual Thursday release of jobless claims is on tap along with leading indicators that same day.
On the earnings calendar, Tuesday features numbers from Best Buy (BBY), Carnival (CCL) and Darden Restaurants (DRI) which should give a snapshot in retailing, leisure and casual dining and whether folks tightened the purse strings or found some extra money to spend. Wednesday earnings feature numbers for Carmax (KMX), Morgan Stanley (MS) and Fedex (FDX) which again gives us a look at retail spending, another look at Wall Streeet after less than spectular numbers from Bear (BSC) and Goldman (GS) and a peek into corporate spending with the Fedex numbers. Thursday earnings include numbers from H&R Block (HRB) and Jabil Circuit (JBL).
As for the week ahead on Wall Street, as J.P. Morgan famously quipped long ago, "Prices will fluctuate". I think it again comes down to whether the bond market can remain stable which helped stock prices to recover on Thursday and Friday. Any type of re-ratcheting of yields higher and it will be last Wednesday's swoon all over again. The Dow is only 3-dozen points away from another record high and the S&P is a scant six points away from a record, so it's not hard to imagine potential resistance at those high water marks should they be re-visited. It's also not hard to imagine a reversal of some of the Friday quad-witch gains on Monday which often happens (unless merger Monday comes back to life). Energy could also be a spoiler in the week ahead. WTI is already trading a bit above $68. A $70 handle on crude is likely not to be received warmly by the crowd down on Broad and Wall. There's also geopolitical problems which go hand in hand with crude, but in and of themselves can dampen sentiement (eg. Israel plans attack on Gaza. Still, last week was an up week for the market even with all the aforementioned negatives in play so I continue with mostly long plays but ever vigilant for a good short scalp when the opportunity comes along.
Corporate court room drama is set to begin on Monday: Brocade stock backdating case could have wide impact.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Alcoa (AA)
Do CEOs Make Lousy Dads?
An interview with the author of CEO Dad: How to Avoid Getting Fired by Your Family (Davies-Black, $19.95).
Even if you're not a CEO, the above is a fun and thought provoking link. Happy Father's Day!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Applebees (APPB) - Drinkin' Bad In The Neighborhood
Mortgage Fraud Is Alive And Well
Subprime and LBO
Meantime, leveraged buyouts - the venerable LBO - has been a key pillar supporting the bull run in the stock market. Is that about to change? This blog has been warning, both extemporaneously and by citing the work of others, that the sudden rise in bond yields has led to changes in the credit markets which could be drastic enough to stem the flow of deals. In a perfect storm like fashion, cash hungry Congress has entered the picture with bi-partisan legislation to lift the tax rate on publicly traded partnerships. That sent shares of Fortress tumbling 8% and Alliance Bernstein (AB) down about 4%. The real target of the legislation is Blackstone (soon to be BX). Read more: Tax Gap Puts Private Equity Firms on Hot Seat.
These are a few situations in the making that don't necessarily mean an end to the bull market in stocks tomorrow, but certainly developments to watch.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Made In The People's Republic
From the Times article, “My son was totally dumb, not even knowing how to cry, or to scream or to call out ‘Father,’ ” he said. “I burst into tears and held him in my arms, but he had no reaction. He was in rags and had wounds all over his body. Within three months he had lost over 10 kilos,” about 22 pounds." What father and son went through is just unimaginable.
I Live in a Goofy Downstate NY County
Bill and Hill Dump Stock
Penn National (PENN)
Blog Talk Radio
Morning Market Comment
The economic data as sparked a surge of more than 9 points in S&P futures, so it looks like a third day of gains ahead on Wall Street. Today is expiration Friday - the quarterly "quad witch". As noted earlier in the week, an OEX above the 700 strike at the end of the day could trigger computer driven buy programs. The OEX closed yesterday at 699.82. Look out above if we can get above 705 by the end of the day.
While it's 3 cheers in the stock market, the move in the bond market is on the tepid side with the 10 year treasury up by 7 ticks, the yield slipping below 5.19%. While it's possible to spin it positively seven ways to Sunday, especially by relying on the .1 core number, the overall price rises in both CPI and yesterday's PPI remain alarming given recent worldwide crude production shortfalls and the lower than usual gasoline inventories here in the U.S. that are likely to keep upward pressure on energy prices.
One of the big movers of the day - The New York Mercantile Exchange (NMX): NYMEX explores sale of company: report.
Penn National (PENN), which closed yesterday at just above $51, is being acquired for $67/shr cash. The buyers are affiliates of Fortress Investment and Centerbridge Partners.
Yummy? Coffee and salad: Starbucks to add salads to lunch menu.
Lazard is reiterating a buy on Medtronic (MDT) saying the company may release results of its Endeavor trial at a June 20th analyst meeting.
Blackstone had also bid for Archstone-Smith: WSJ. An interesting little story not so much because Blackstone bid, but because it pulled out and the eventual winner, Lehman and Tishman, lowered their offer as credit market conditions deteriorated.
Intel gets a fresh BUY rating from Goldman Sachs with a target of $28. Goldman says Intel should be able to maintain a lead over AMD as AMD moves toward more outsourcing.
Crude oil is up 30-cents at 67.92. Another meaningful rally in crude could put a damer on things on Wall Street. Crude Oil Rises on Supply Worries.
6-15-07 Wallstrip Chat: Andy Monfried
Thursday, June 14, 2007
The Senate Targets Blackstone, et al
The Subprime Meltdown Continues

Wal Mart (WMT) and its Shrinkage Problem
Call me a snob, but I just can't imagine what anyone would covet from Wal Mart whether they pay for it, or steal it! Ok, that was a cheap shot since even I occasionally step into a Wal Mart to buy light bulbs, microwave Dinty Moore, or Dristan. I just find the blue-themed stores to be blues experience that I try to avoid both as a shopper and as an investor.
200,000 Unique Visitors
Peak Oil Going Mainstream
Adobe (ADBE)
Today's Options Screener

Integrated Device Technology (IDTI)

A.G. Edwards
-We are initiating coverage of Integrated Device Technology with a Buy/Speculative rating and a $20 price objective.
-We believe IDT is well-positioned in a variety of $50-to-$500 million 'niche' semiconductor markets that are expanding along with Internet and networked communications. IDT uses its expertise in silicon timing, interface, and memory design to capture share, as transitions in industry standards create opportunities in a variety of communications, consumer and computer markets.
-We think concern with near-term prospects has unduly punished IDTI's price recently.
-We see renewed growth in the second half of 2007, and believe secular shifts and penetration gains in base sation switches, PC audio and switches, videogame and communications clocks, and network coprocessors will expand IDT's revenue base in the coming 18-24 months.
several other sell-side firms have been behind IDTI with similar reports, however I think we will finally start to see the buy-side catch up to this, especially after recent meetings with management.
great post by notable calls
Starwood (HOT)
edit: I have decided to jump in with a small batch of calls.
Morning Market Comment
As the old saying goes, "It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings". On the CBOT (BOT) takeover front yet another wrinkle: CME and CBOT Revise Merger Agreement to Provide Increased Value to ...
Big names in the brokerage world have posted results and their stocks are lower:
Goldman Sachs quarterly profit rises, beating estimates. GS is down over 2%.
Bear Stearns (BSC) reports a 2nd quater profit of $3.40/shr vs estimates of $3.49. Revenue at $2.51 bln beat consensus estimates by $200 mln. So much for the folks who bought the June 150 and 155 calls. BSC is down $3 at the $146 level.
There are a few very interesting analyst calls this morning:
- UBS downgrades Dow Jones (DJ) to Reduce from Neutral believing the Bancroft family could still rejected News Corp's $5 bln offer. UBS says it doubts another offer will come along and that shares are vulnerable to falling back to where they were before Murdoch's offer - the mid $30s.
- Bank of America initiates hi flyer Mannkind (MNKD), a developer of inhalable insuline, with a Buy rating and a $20 target. BofA sees launch of MNKD's lead diabetes product by 2010.
Trouble for Jones Soda (JDSA): Starbucks to drop Jones Soda . Jones is down 4%.
This week Greenspan said China's economic pace is unsustainable. But when does it end? More figures showing boom times: China May industrial production surges 18.1%.
WTI crude is drifting higher by 59-cents to 66.95. The Euro is flat and Yen futures are down 25 points.
Big PPI Jump
Alcoa (AA) - Could It Get a $50/Shr Offer?
The heavy put volume Wednesday in BHP Billiton (BHP), that I noted earlier in my Options Screener, has my antenna up that something may be coming down the pike in the aluminum space. Also noteworthy that call options volume in the July AA contracts swamped put volume. The heaviest of the AA July call volume was centered in the out of the money 42.5 and 45 strikes, though there was trading in the 47.5 and 50 call strikes.
I have no position yet, but will be keeping a close eye on the activity later today.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The Options Screener
As usual, I present my Option Screener information free of charge and for informational purposes. The Screener and this post is not a recommendation to buy, sell, short any security.

Some interesting stuff popped up today:
There was heavy trading in AU Optronics' (AUO) options following this early Wednesday morning report: UPDATE 1-Taiwan's AU eyes return to profit in Q2.
Ahead of earnings Thursday, Bear Stearns (BSC) options were active. And the confidence shown by the bulls to buy June options which expire on Friday was noteworthy. Not only did more than 5,000 June 150 trade, but more than 4,000 June 155s also traded - talk about cutting it close.
Citigroup (C) and Consul (CNX) appear to be spreads, so no comment.
There was no news on Equity Residential (EQR), but a pop in its soon to expire June45 calls.
iShares:FTSE/Xinhua (FXI) appears to be a strangle play with the 7500 call options on the 125 strike, but 7500 options trading on the 105 July put strike.
General Dynamics (GD), a variety of buys and sells on that strike.
Merck (MRK) could be someone positioning for earnings or other news ahead of July expiration.
Airline puts and calls trading remains very active with the Screener picking up Northwest (NWA) call options activity.
iShares:Lehm 20+ Trs (TLT) has been a popular play for those who feel bonds are oversold.
VIX July 22.5 is certainly an interesting bet that the market is going to get splattered at some point between now and expiration in July.
I also threw a few put trades up.
The BHP put activity notable on no news. Could it be positioning in case they make a large bid for a competitor?
WR Grace (GRA), at first it looked like a roll from June to September, but then big buys of December puts also crossed.... something to watch.
CNX again with heavy activity on the put side as well.
What Is Bear Stearns (BSC) Up To?
Luxury Goods
Heavy News for Sanofi (SNY)
IBM (IBM) for Adobe (ADBE)?
IBM buying ADBE, my the rumor millers are getting creative these days. At present, ADBE has a market value of just under $26 bln vs the market cap of IBM at $153 bln. Big Blue also has around $10 bln in cash on its balance sheet. So it is conceivable that IBM could engineer such a deal, but I find it hard to believe that ADBE management would sell out and find it harder to imagine how ADBE culture would mesh with IBM culture since I know IBMers here in the Hudson Valley and what's going on at Big Blue these days.
Incidentally, ADBE will post earnings Thursday evening. While press reports say the rise in ADBE today was due to optimism about earnings, the IBM rumor did indeed hit a number of trading desks that I'm in touch with. There's no doubt that ADBE will also post strong results tomorrow night. 36c is the Reuters consensus estimate for the bottom line, 730.1 mln is the top line estimate.
The better bet with ADBE is likely to go with the earnings story and avoid speculating on the outlandish IBM for ADBE rumor.
Beige Book Gives the Stock Market Additional Lift
This Bud's (BUD) For You and Cadence (CDNS)

Options activity has been completely dead in Cadence Design (CDNS) yet a few well placed sources on the West Coast continue to say the NY Times report on June 4, 2007 of a potential buyout was not fiction. The takeout price that has recently been mentioned is $28 a share. That's another one to watch.
Also Applebees (APPB) options volatility has move up today. Merrill Lynch says major announcements are likely in the next few weeks that could get APPB to the $30 level. Other sources are saying that instead of a buyout, APPB could pay a special dividend to shareholders.
Research In Motion (RIMM)
Morning Market Comment
The recent surge in bond yields has had a noticeable impact on mortgage activity. US mortgage applications rose last week - MBA. It looks as if some folks rushed in to lock themselves in as rates moved higher.
Gold futures extend losses, as dollar rises