Thursday, March 1, 2007


My data on TRIN only goes back 13 years (though Dick Arms created the TRIN back in '67). FWIW in 'modern' times, today's TRIN spike is the highest according to this chart. I would imagine that the readings had to have been more extreme in '87?

VIX is also putting in a command performance and back above 19. Strangely enough when many systems were frozen on Tuesday, I couldn't sell the last swath of my March VIX calls. I was a bit steamed, but Tuesday evening, I thought better of my irritation and was glad to held them and feel even better about it today.

The market is trying to rebound, but with rumors running rampant that hedge fund blows ups are occuring due to the recent turnaround in the Yen and because of the mortgage universe problems, I'm growing a bit more confident that VIX will repeat its pattern of last May with a sustained period above the 200 day moving average.

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