Tuesday, January 31, 2012

End of the Road Documentary Trailer

"Is the financial crisis over, or are we heading towards disaster? End of The Road portrays eleven influential commentators within the finance and investment communities, as they share their knowledge of our current financial structure. Through each of their narratives, a story is built which chronicles the current economic dilemma and paints a picture of the world’s financial future."

My own commentary: My only criticism is that this documentary will feature the comments of Peter Schiff. I don't like his metals selling activities. You should take possesion of your gold and you should NEVER deal with any dealer that holds a so called "SALE" on precious metals. A sale means their mark ups were too high before the sale. No, the purchase of gold should be a proposition that DOES NOT involve sales gimmicks. Aside from that I am looking forward to this:

End of the Road Documentary Trailer from Tim Delmastro on Vimeo.

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