This time to a closed circuit bunch in Japan... with a slightly more hedged tone (click here). Perhaps a bit of that elusive Greenspeak coming back in to keep us guessing. Amazing that Ben soothes earlier in the day with a moderate growth message (yeah, the guy who is presently the Fed chairman and the former Fed chief is playing around with the "R" word). It's the new Fed 'good cop, bad cop' play book. All we need is for Voelker to say something, or perhaps Ben to hold a seance to get a special message and grimace from the hereafter out of William McChesney Martin!
So Tokyo is down over 300 tonight and Shanghai surprise is down about 2%. SnP futures are down 6 and Dow Futures are down 40.
By the way, I understand Greenspan delivered this message to his sweetie pie Andrea...
If the profit of a group network is to bolt with other people, you prerequisite a group network that has lavishness of members. And Facebook once has copiousness of members, in defiance of all the denying publicity it has received lately all round its clandestineness problems. force all 500 million Facebook users move to Google Me? I anxiety it -- and those 500 million members are what makes Facebook so attractive.
If the principle of a communal network is to fit with other people, you prerequisite a communal network that has lavishness of members. And Facebook plainly has copiousness of members, notwithstanding all the adversative publicity it has received lately give its solitariness problems. force all 500 million Facebook users move house to Google Me? I fear it -- and those 500 million members are what makes Facebook so attractive.
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